

The TIP Lab’s BRIGHT Project is a direct result of a needs assessment conducted by the lab in the Fall of 2020. During this needs assessment, the lab interviewed over 100 community partners who are engaged in anti-trafficking work; ranging from those who directly serve clients, law enforcement officers, judicial representatives, executive directors of non-profit organizations, and trafficking survivors. Two key themes emerged from this needs assessment – a need for better data on human trafficking, and a more efficient way to connect trafficking victims to the services they need. Specifically, it was indicated that there was a need for an integrated service network to identify and locate services provided by other anti-trafficking organizations more easily.

The pilot of BRIGHT launched in February of 2023 in the Greater Tampa Bay area. During our pilot, we consistently researched and made improvements to the referral system to ensure that it fits the providers’ needs. Every aspect of the system’s features is derived from what those in the anti-trafficking movement have said were crucial. The pilot phase of BRIGHT ended in November 2023, with the re-vamped system housed by the University of South Florida launched in May of 2024. Keeping the project housed at the University of South Florida allows for enhanced data protection and for the ability to keep the system free to service providers. We have partnered with Humanistic Technologies, Inc. to develop this platform.

Over the past four years, we have worked with a core development team of trusted partners who have guided our build and decision making each step of the way – ensuring that the voices of the community are central to the continued development of this project.